Friday, November 23, 2007

Digitalism - Idealistic [Video]

So it seems that two months ago I posted an unofficial video for 'Idealistic'. I just saw this video yesterday and I believe it is the official one. Digitalism keep putting out great videos all so beautiful and well-shot with interesting and clever concepts. This video is totally representative of how I am feeling right now. All the happy times and memories of the past 5 years have been erased and it feels like I meant nothing to her. I don't know what was real or if it was all a lie. I thought I was going to marry her, but I guess I was just idealistic...The video was directed by Guillaume Berg and Bastien Lattanzio.


Anonymous said...

maybe some things are better left unchecked

Shawn Khan said...

That sounds like something she would say, anonymous from miami...

Shawn Khan said...

anonymous is getting me in trouble